Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hello World!

I am a software engineer working living and working in Germany who is quite disappointed with the quality and processes found in the current way of software development.

Working with Java for more than 15 years, I have seen many frameworks come and go, many "enhancement"-libraries to the Java framework disappear as fast as they became hyped.

At the same time, most of the "experienced" Java developers - originally C or C++ developers - used Java the way they used to do with other languages, which not necessarily  belonged to the object oriented languages at all.

The result is a strange mix of multiple technologies, programming paradigms and code patterns - not all of them fitting the Java-world at all.

But why is this important for you?

If you are developing software you will encounter all of these problems (maybe even more...):
  • incomplete/outdated documentation
  • erroneous examples
  • rumors and assumptions instead of facts
  • dirty hacks
  • reinventing the wheel
  • wasting time on not using the capabilities of languages/frameworks
  • using ALL available frameworks and design patterns at once

Why should you trust my statements?

I am using Java since 1998 continously, SQL since 2003 and other things like C/C++, Python, HTML, JSF when needed. Writing software using Linux, Windows, different languages/technologies, being involved in different external projects I got a wide overview over the ups and downs of software development.

At the moment I am living near Nuremberg and work for an engineering service provider with the focus on Java SE applications.

Comments are enabled, but be aware that all comments offending or anyhow not meeting my standards for communication will be removed. If you find any comment offending I did not notice, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for all useful comments and aids.

I am not responsible for any content on external sites linked by this blog. If any link leads to illegal or offensive websites please inform me and the link will be removed

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